Jenkins: Aces Upon Aces

Seth Jenkins is a three sport athlete at Heber Springs. Since his freshman year, he has excelled in tennis and baseball. In tennis, he is the team's number one overall player. As a baseball player, he is the Ace pitcher, along with a top outfielder and a clutch hitter. We recently asked Seth various questions about his high school career.

What are some lessons you have learned as a Panther?

  • I have learned how to push myself

Who are some contributors to your success?

  • My father and coach Bise. They have always been there to push me and make me the best I can be.

What is something you would tell a younger athlete looking up to you?

  • The biggest part of everyday is waking up. After that, just show up and do what you need to do.

What is your favorite motivational quote? 

  • Life owes you nothing, but you owe yourself everything.

Who is your favorite sports hero?

  • Dale Earnheart. He loved what he did and excelled at it as well.