Heber Springs Week 9 Information concerning Battle of the Little Red, Stuff the Bus, and Crush Clinton with Cash! https://youtu.be/ebfqPqMqqGQ
about 4 years ago, HSSD
STUFF THE BUS BEGINS NEXT WEEK! Bring your non-perishable food items, diapers, and wipes starting Monday, October 26th-Wednesday, October 28th. Remember all donations are counted by the number of individual items in the package!
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Stuff the bus
|CRUSH CLINTON WITH CASH| The Fight Like A Kid fundraiser is just around the corner. This year we want our students and families to get involved in the fundraising process and participate in a friendly competition. Starting Monday, October 26th, bins will be placed outside of each school office labeled for each grade level. Bring in your donation by Thursday, October 29th, place it in the grade level bin, and help this great organization AND your grade level win the amazing surprise. We are excited to say announce that Cowboy Chevrolet will also donate to Fight Like A Kid and match our donation! Don’t have any kids in school? Want to donate a larger amount? Then take your donation down to First Arkansas Bank and Trust and deposit your donation into the Fight Like A Kid account. Be sure to tell them which grade level you are supporting and we will add that to their total on Friday morning! Remember, direct donations to the bank are due by NOON on Friday, October 30th. Heber Springs, it’s time to win the Community Impact Award once again!
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Fight like a kid
TIME CHANGE!!! Tonight’s FASFA event will begin at 5:30 in the High School Cafeteria and NOT 5:00.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
FASFA night is tomorrow night for our Seniors!
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Heber Springs Panther XC teams will run Tuesday, October 22nd @3:30 at the Josh Park Memorial Trail. Come out to support these amazing student athletes!
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Josh Park
Vouchers for Friday night’s football game at Southside can be picked up at Central Office. Football players and spirit teams have until 4pm Tuesday, general public pick up begins on Wednesday.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Band Boosters Mtg TONIGHT!
about 4 years ago, HSSD
This is a reminder that tomorrow is a Virtual Day for all students at Heber Springs Schools. Students will not be on campus tomorrow. All students will need to check their Google Classroom in the morning for the assignment.
about 4 years ago, HSSD
What an amazing day...the weather was beautiful, our Homecoming Court was beautiful, and the community of Heber Springs really came out to support our amazing school district. Thank you all for your kindness and support...not just for Homecoming but for every day! https://youtu.be/jyD8D538kVo
about 4 years ago, HSSD
|PANTHER HOCO 2020 DAY 5 - PEP & RALLY| Thank you to everyone who sent in and tagged us in the Homecoming pictures this week. It’s been a great week and we are so proud of our Panthers and this awesome community we live in called HEBER SPRINGS! https://youtu.be/3avTsrlv0bo
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Heber Springs Week 8 Weekly recap with Dr. Ashley https://youtu.be/m3FTUDgHWLY
about 4 years ago, HSSD
|STUFF THE BUS| Okay Panther Nation...it is time once again to get ready for the Battle of the Little Red and that means it’s time to STUFF THE BUS! This year the Community Impact Award-Stuff the Bus competition will be a little different. We want you to start collecting those diapers, wipes, and non-perishable food items (Mac&cheese,applesauce, peanut butter crackers, etc.) and bring them anytime between 8:00-4:00, October 26-28 to STUFF THE BUS. Remember that the count is calculated by the number of individual items collected...so a box of 250 diapers counts as 250 items. We are continuing with the Fight Like a Kid fundraiser as well. You can drop off your donation at First Arkansas Bank & Trust and tell them to deposit it into the Fight Like a Kid account by NOON on Friday, October 30th. Last year we were able to grant the wish for one child living with cancer in the Cleburne County community...this year we want to raise enough money to grant the wish for TWO kids...AND WE CAN DO IT! The Battle of the Little Red will be on Friday, October 30 at 7pm at Clinton. #thisyearwewinboth
about 4 years ago, HSSD
Stuff the bus
|PANTHER HOCO 2020 DAY 4-SQUAD UP| Great bunch of groups, characters, and just a few M&Ms https://youtu.be/cKVjHsGW-7g
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|HOMECOMING SHIRTS| The majority of the Homecoming Shirts were passed out to students today, however the company did short us a bit...but assured us that they would be delivered in the morning. Once they get here we will get them passed out ASAP. However, if for some reason those shirts do not come in tomorrow....we will refund your money. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|EARLY OUT| This is a reminder that school will dismiss at 1:00pm tomorrow, Friday, October 16th. Monday, October 19th is a Virtual Day for all students. Students will not be on campus on this day.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Virtual Day
Early out
|PANTHER HOCO 2020 DAY 3 - CAREER DAY| The videos are getting longer and longer...and we love it! Here is a look at some of the many future careers for the students of Heber Springs Schools. https://youtu.be/96Yz12ndmnc
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|PANTHER NATION| On Wednesday, October 14, the Administration at Heber Springs Schools was made aware of a positive COVID-19 case at Heber Springs Schools. The Administration has contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for further guidance, and through contact tracing by the ADH and HSSD, the individuals who were at risk for primary exposure have been contacted. The Administration will continue to closely monitor this situation moving forward. I want to thank the families of those impacted for their patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. Dr. Andy Ashley
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Please remember that Monday, October 19th will be a Virtual Day for all students. Those individuals who have reached out about internet concerns will have devices sent home tomorrow. If you have concerns with internet connection at your home, please contact Bahar Pruitt before 8am THURSDAY.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|VOUCHERS| This is a reminder that you must come by Central Office to pick up a voucher for Thursday’s football game at Bald Knob and volleyball game at Southside. You must have a voucher in order to attend those away games.
over 4 years ago, HSSD