|PANTHER HOMECOMING DAY 2-DECADES DAY| Here it is...the video for Day 2! Thank you to everyone who used the hashtag #pantherhoco2020 Hopefully we got all the pictures that were submitted. Be sure to submit your pictures tomorrow by 5pm and use the hashtag! https://youtu.be/Wv8ClHs0CRI
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|FCA FIELDS OF FAITH| Don’t forget to join FCA tomorrow night at Panther Stadium for Fields of Faith. This student led ministry will meet from 6-7pm with hot dogs, chips, and water for those in attendance.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
FCA fields of faith
If you have plans to travel to Southside for Thursday night’s volleyball game, you must come by the Central Office to pick up a voucher. Vouchers can be picked up anytime between 8-4.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|ATTENTION| Please be aware that Panther Paw Hill is closed at the moment.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Heber Springs Schools Homecoming 2020 Day 1-ALL TIED UP-TIE DYE DAY Be sure to tag us in your pictures tomorrow @heberspringsschooldistrict and the hashtag #pantherhoco2020 https://youtu.be/2htosOK3Ydo
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|ATTENTION PARENTS| We want to remind you that Monday, October 19th is a Virtual Day for all students of Heber Springs Schools. This date has been posted on the school calendar. In the past, this day was a Professional Development day for our teachers and students would not have been on campus anyway; however, when the Governor pushed the school start date back to August 24th, we needed to find a way to make up those days without adding them on to the end of the school year. The idea of the Virtual Day was a way to give the anticipated break but still have it counted as a school day for our students. All students will have an assignment from their teachers on this day and are expected to complete the work by the due date. If you have questions, you will be able to email the teacher(s) for assistance. All students should know how to login to Google Classroom and any other website to check for the assignments. If you have any questions or concerns about the Virtual Day or issues with internet service, please contact Bahar Pruitt BEFORE Thursday, October 15th you can call or send a text to 501-206-1546 or email at bahar.pruitt@hssd.k12.ar.us. Please list the name of your student and what school building they attend.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|ATTENTION| Week 7 video with Dr. Ashley contains important information concerning the 2nd 9-weeks. https://youtu.be/YAwPWEonXSk
over 4 years ago, HSSD
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|THANK YOU| Heber Springs Schools and the Heber Springs Athletic Department would like to send a HUGE thank you to our local McDonald’s Restaurant for always helping out our students when needed. Not only did McDonald’s step up as one of our school supply sponsors for the Elementary students this year, but they also provide our football team with breakfast EVERY Friday morning and supplies our concession stand with burgers for every Sr. High Panther Football game. Once again, we are honored to shout to the world how blessed we are at Heber Springs! Thank you for always supporting us academically and athletically!
over 4 years ago, HSSD
ATTENTION PARENTS: We wanted to remind you that Monday, October 19th is a Virtual Day for all students of Heber Springs Schools. This date has been been on the school calendar. In the past, this day was a Professional Development day for our teachers and students would not have been on campus anyway; however, when the Governor pushed the school start date back to August 24th, we needed to find a way to make up those days without adding them on to the end of the school year. The idea of the Virtual Day was a way to give the anticipated break but still have it counted as a school day for our students. All students will have an assignment from their teachers on this day and are expected to complete the work by the set time. If you have questions, you will be able to email the teacher(s) for assistance. All students should know how to login to Google Classroom and any other website to check for the assignments. If you have any questions or concerns about the Virtual Day or issues with internet service, please contact Bahar Pruitt BEFORE Thursday, October 15th you can call or send a text to 501-206-1546 or email at bahar.pruitt@hssd.k12.ar.us. Please list the name of your student and what school building they attend.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
We wanted to let everyone know that all vouchers for the CAC game have been distributed.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|WORLD TEACHER DAY| We have THE best teachers in education at Heber Springs Schools and we want everyone to know it! These individuals work WAY past 3:30 everyday...well into the night, over the weekend, and away from their own families just to make sure YOUR child has the best education possible! Thank you for all that you do for our Panthers! Be sure to like and share this post on Facebook and tag some of our amazing teachers to let them know how much YOU appreciate THEM!
over 4 years ago, HSSD
World teacher day
|SENIORS| ATTENTION SENIORS...AND PARENTS! This year’s FAFSA Night will be at the Heber Springs High School Cafeteria on October 20th from 5:00-7:30pm. You will need a copy of your 2019 tax return. We will have chromebooks but you may also bring your own laptop if you prefer. ***Since this involves personal information and space is limited, we ask that only one parent and the student come to this event.*** If you have any questions please call 501-362-3141 for the School Counselor Shannon Martin or email her at Shannon.martin@hssd.k12.ar.us
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Heber Springs Week 6 with Dr. Andy Ashley https://youtu.be/5vJUjO7o0dg
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|NATIONAL CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION DAY| Today, Dr. Ashley took time to personally thank each of our custodians at Heber Springs Schools...with a little help from our hometown Sonic Drive-In. These are the men and women behind the scene who work hard for our students, teachers, and staff each and every day. We appreciate everything that they do for us at Heber Springs Schools and we are so thankful to have such amazing people at our amazing school district. THANK YOU
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|HOMECOMING 2020| Ladies and Gentlemen...we are so proud to introduce the Heber Springs High School Homecoming Court for 2020. Freshmen Maids: Cherlyn Acosta and Miah Tharp Sophomore Maids: Lilly Hendrix and Jaylea Hooten Junior Maids: Vallie Cantrell and Hope Gilchrist Senior Maids: Sydney Buffalo and Jenna Gillespie And your Homecoming Queen for 2020 is Miss Hope Evans Congratulations to you all! Don’t forget Homecoming is Friday, October 16th. There will be a 1:00 Early Out for all students on that day. The Homecoming Caravan will be at 2:00 on Main St. ending at the parking lot of the First Baptist Church for the Pep Rally. Please remember that social distancing guidelines do still apply during this time. Presentation of the Homecoming Court will begin at 6:30pm at Panther Stadium and the Panthers will take on the Bald Knob Bulldogs at 7pm.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Hoco 2020
Hoco 2020
|FIRSTIES| After reading The Leaf Man, Ms Patchin’s class used their “iPhones” to record and collect nature to make their own leaf creations.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|LOGIN PROBLEMS| This message was just sent to us by our IT Director.... “Microsoft Azure AD is currently down all over the country. This will likely keep our students from logging into all of their chrome books and services like google classroom, e-mail, etc. There is currently no estimated time of when it will be fixed by Microsoft.”
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|FLU SHOT| Forms will be sent home today for this year’s Flu Clinic. They must be completed and returned NO LATER THAN October 7th. Forms for Remote Panthers will be available in the building offices. The clinic will be held October 15th. Please remember, this is a clinic that we have every year, this is nothing new and will ONLY be for the flu vaccine.
over 4 years ago, HSSD
|HOMECOMING| It’s time to start planning your outfits for HOMECOMING WEEK! We are excited that the entire district will be able to participate once again! Can’t wait to see all of the amazing creations by our students and staff!
over 4 years ago, HSSD
Homecoming dress up days